2i Rete Gas | Sustainability | Stakeholders


The main, internal and external, stakeholders with whom 2i Rete Gas interacts, are:

Stakeholders ST_DEF

In their regard 2i Rete Gas strives to act as a competent, reliable and focused partner by nurturing the relations with them by listening, dialogue and engagement initiatives. The Stakeholders’ interests and expectations are in fact considered in the business activities management as well as when making corporate decisions, by paying a special attention to those aspects that, having a significant impact on the economic, social and environmental performances of the Group, could substantially influence their opinions. 

In particular, in 2023 within the materiality review process, 2i Rete Gas validated the stakeholders’ mapping, confirming the groups already considered in 2020 as parties towards which the Group has responsibilities and/or that can have an impact on its performance.

An e-mail address for further requests for information is available in order to facilitate dialogue with stakeholders: sostenibilita@2iretegas.it
