We incorporate the outcomes of the regular updates to the Materiality Analysis to revise our guidance, planning, and monitoring tools regarding the integration of sustainability into our Company’s strategy and operations. These tools include the Policy, the Framework, and the Sustainability Plan, and also inform the drafting of our comprehensive non-financial corporate reporting.
The latest Materiality Analysis update, outlined in the Consolidated Non-Financial Disclosure (NFD) for the financial year ending in 2023, concentrated on evaluating topics based on the assessment of the most significant related impacts – whether positive or negative, current or potential – that our Group generates or could potentially generate. This evaluation was conducted in consideration of the operational and systemic risks or opportunities to which our Group could be exposed. This analysis involved carrying out the following phases and activities:

The results of the context analysis determined:
- the confirmation of both prerequisites—”Listening to stakeholders” and “Creation of sustainable economic value”—as well as the cross-sector material topic—”Integration of ESG elements in Governance”—which has not undergone further significance assessments.
- the integration of the topic “Digital development” within “Reliability and efficiency of plants” has led to the renaming of the topic as “Reliability, efficiency, and digitisation of system and processes”.
- the reinsertion of the topics “Compliance with laws and regulations” and “Business ethics and anti-corruption” (which until last year had not been assessed as they were considered prerequisites) into the analysis process signifies , allowing for grater emphasis to be placed on the upcoming disclosure obligations mandated, as of next year, by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
In order to validate the elements analysed and assessed by the ESG Working Group in relation with the material topics arising from the context analysis, a questionnaire wasprepared. This questionnaire was sent to both the Board of Directors of 2i Rete Gas S.p.A. and to a representative sample of stakeholders, consisting of a panel of employees, some suppliers, and some sales companies. The results of the individual evaluations were then aggregated and weighted, to obtain, for each topic, a unique value.
The results were presented to the Steering Committee for discussion, the application where deemed necessary of adjustments aimed at better reflecting the current state of our Group’s priorities, prioritisation and subsequent validation by the Chief Executive Officer.
In light of this process, which presented a result in substantial continuity with respect to the previous years, 13 material topics were confirmed, two of which (“Compliance with laws and regulations” and “Business ethics and anti-corruption”) were previously reported as prerequisites.