2i Rete Gas | Sustainability | Materiality analysis

Materiality analysis

2i Rete Gas carries out a periodic updating of the Materiality Analysis with the aim of assessing relevant topics for both the Group and the reference Stakeholders. The results of this analysis are taken into consideration during the periodic updating of the guiding, planning and monitoring tools related to the progress about the integration of sustainability in the corporate strategy and operations - which are the Sustainability PolicyFramework and Plan - as well as during the drawing up of the corporate consolidated non-financial reporting.

The most recent updating of the Materiality Analysis, which is outlined in the Consolidated Non-Financial Disclosure referred to the financial year 2023, focused on the assessment of the topics based on the most significant related impacts – positive and negative, actual and potential – that the Group generates or may generate in light of the operational and systemic risks or opportunities to which it may be exposed. This analysis involved the following stages and activities:


The findings of these activities resulted in:

  • on the one hand, the confirmation of both the 2 prerequisites (“Listening to stakeholders” and “Creating sustainable economic value”) and the cross-sector material topic (“Integration of ESG factors in corporate governance”), which were not subject to further significance assessments;
  • on the other hand, in the integration of the “Digital development” topic within “Reliability and efficiency of plants”, renaming the topic to “Reliability, efficiency and digitalisation of plants and processes”;
  • finally, the “Compliance with laws and regulations” and “Business ethics and anti-corruption” topics, which until last year had not been assessed as they were considered prerequisites, have been reincluded in the analysis process, allowing for greater emphasis to be placed on the disclosure obligations that will be required as of next year under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

In order to validate the elements analysed and assessed by the ESG Working Group in relation to the material topics that emerged from the background analysis, a questionnaire was prepared, addressed both to 2i Rete Gas S.p.A.’s Board of Directors and to a representative sample of stakeholders, consisting of a panel of employees, some suppliers and some sales companies. The results of the individual evaluations were then aggregated and weighted to obtain a unique value for each topic.

The results were presented to the Steering Committee for discussion, application of adjustments if necessary to better reflect the current state of the Group’s priorities, prioritisation, and subsequent validation by the CEO.

In light of this process, which showed results virtually in line with previous years, 13 material topics were therefore confirmed, two of which (“Compliance with laws and regulations” and “Business ethics and anti-corruption”) previously reported as prerequisites.

