2i Rete Gas | Sustainability | Commitments and tools

Commitments and tools

The path taken by 2i Rete Gas with the aim of increasing the integration of sustainability within its business included making specific commitments as well as the definition and regular updating of strongly interconnected tools: the Sustainability FrameworkPolicy and Plan.

The Sustainability Framework, in line with the Mission and corporate values and consistent with material topics and reference SDGs:

  • highlights the prerequisites, i.e., the aspects considered as essential to ensure a responsible management of corporate activities;
  • illustrates the four priority lines of action which following ensuing commitments are intended for the four interconnected ecosystems with which the Group interacts in conducting its activities;
  • sets out the contribution that, through concrete actions, 2i Rete Gas intends to make in order to achieve some of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations;
  • finally makes reference to the development paths linked to the Strategic Plan. 

Based on the related Framework, the Sustainability Policy is a document designed to provide guidance on business decisions with a view to sustainability while ensuring a responsible business management. Issued for the first time in 2020, it applies to all the Group companies over which 2i Rete Gas S.p.A. has control, together with the laws and regulations in force; the guiding and conduct principles set out in the Group Charter of Values and Code of Ethics; the Organisation and Management Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 and other policy documents adopted by the Group, as pursuant to the provisions, procedures and operating instructions that govern the operations of corporate functions. The Policy highlights, endorses and sets out the Company belief that, in order to create a sustainable long-lasting value, business growth must promote respect for individual personality and inalienable human rights in the conduct of corporate activities and along value chain, in accordance with the requirements of local, national and supernational regulations. At the same time business growth must be combined with respect for the principles of legality, integrity, impartiality and transparency, on the basis of an integrated strategy, applying at the same time continuous improvement practices as well as operation efficiency and cost-effectiveness criteria. As such, this tool, by providing an overview of the aspects that are relevant to 2i Rete Gas from an environmental, social and management perspective, drives the commitments set by the Group with regard to prerequisites and material topics.

In order to monitor and annually disclose its performances on these topics while evaluating the progress achieved from time to time, 2i Rete Gas established its Sustainability Plan as a document that sets out the projects that the Group intends to develop with a multi-annual approach and, thereafter, according to an increasingly synergic integration of ESG issues in the strategic planning. The Plan sets out qualitative and quantitative goals to be achieved in the short, medium and long term by implementing concrete actions, measurable through specific KPIs and according to specific targets set beforehand. By opting for a gradual rollout of the Sustainability Plan, 2i Rete Gas aims to implement the commitments and implementation principles set out and established in the Sustainability Policy and, more specifically, it plans to contribute to the achievement of some SDGs recognized as relevant to the business and consistent with the strategic guidance of the Group. The Sustainability Plan is reviewed annually subject to updating the Materiality analysis and reporting on the periodic monitoring of the objectives and projects included therein, which are consolidated as of 31 December of the previous year and disclosed in the NFD.
The first edition of the Sustainability Plan for the 2020-2023 four years period was formally approved by the Board of Directors of 2i Rete Gas S.p.A. in March 2020 and afterwards the Plan underwent an annual review in 2021, in 2022, in 2023 and in 2024. From a performance perspective, as at 31 December 2023, the overall progress of the Plan over the four-year period stood at 52%, consolidating a 95% completion rate regarding 2023 initiatives.

Further information on the Sustainability FrameworkPolicy and Plan is available below:


2i Rete Gas Sustainability Framework - latest update

2i Rete Gas Sustainability Policy - latest update

2i Rete Gas Sustainability Plan - Progress 2023 - overview

TCFD Disclosure - 2023 update

SASB Information - 2023 update

2i Rete Gas Sustainability Plan - Review 2024 - overview
