2i Rete Gas | Sustainability | Reporting


2i Rete Gas reports on its economic, environmental and social performance, keeping at the same time an active dialogue with its reference Stakeholders. The key document issued on an annual basis for sharing the results progressively achieved with the aim of performing a sustainable development of the activities and the creation of a shared value among all those who interacts with the Group or are influenced by it, is the Consolidated non-financial disclosure (NFD).

The 2023 NDF was prepared consistent with the criteria set in previous years, pursuant Italian Legislative Decree No. 254 dated 30 December 2016 and by relying, as a methodological framework, on the most recent version of the “GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards”, updated on 30 June 2022, using the “in accordance with” option. The document provides full reference to all the reporting principles laid down by the GRI, that are required and essential for ensuring high quality reporting: Accuracy; Balance; Clarity; Comparability; Sustainability Context; Timeliness; Verifiability.

The scope of consolidation of the 2023 NFD consists of the Parent Company 2i Rete Gas S.p.A. and its fully consolidated subsidiaries as at 31 December 2023.

The document is subject to limited assurance in accordance with ISAE 3000 by an external auditing firm. The NFD drafted in this manner therefore highlights the results of the in-depth analyses carried out in relation to the topic areas selected as relevant based on Italian Decree 254/2016, the characteristics of the Group and the business activity carried out, considering at the same time the results of the latest Materiality analysis.

More in details, this edition provides disclosure of the progress achieved from time to time with respect to the main objectives set out in the Sustainability Plan, monitoring at the same time compliance with the related Policy.
The document outlines several initiatives scheduled in the Plan with deadline 2023, year during which the Group also continued the process of alignment to the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the principles set forth by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
All of that resulted in a more in-depth level of measurement, supervision and disclosure of economic, environmental and social indicators.

The 2023 edition of the Consolidated non-financial disclosure together with the previous editions is available in the section “Investor Relations”.
