We innovate to lead the energy transition
We are dedicated to promoting, based on an innovative logic and also thanks to digital development, initiatives to ensure the sustainable evolution of the managed infrastructure, allowing distribution asset to be used in a transition scenario that provides for the delivery of renewable gases, ensuring flexibility to Italy’s energy system.
For us, innovation to support the energy transition also involves mitigating environmental impacts through specific projects aimed to:
- reduce fugitive methane emissions from the managed network;
- the efficiency of energy consumption for the operation of reduction and metering systems (City gates).
Reduction of fugitive methane emissions
For some years now, we have been using innovative tools mounted on mobile vehicles to detect leaks. These tools have the ability to “sense” gas emissions with greater precision and sensitivity. Thanks to this technology, we enhance our network monitoring capabilities from environmental and safety perspectives, enabling us to respond promptly and effectively to any gas leaks.
We are currently investing in replacing old networks, opting for the constructing of new polyethylene pipes. The use of polyethylene has proven successful over the years in terms of both guaranteed duration of the useful life of the assets and lower environmental impact resulting from the construction and installation processes as well as during operation. These pipes provide long-term asset life and have lower environmental impact resulting from the construction and installation process as well as during operations.
Efficiency of energy consumption
We have initiated an experimental project aimed at reducing fugitive emissions by automatically and predictively regulating network pressure. During off-peak hours of user demand, we lower the gas distribution pressure to minimise emissions into the atmosphere.
Our commitment to the energy transition also involves new efficiency initiatives, such as reducing the volumes of gas used for preheating city gates. In fact, we reduced the control temperature by more than half in over 1200 of our city gates, thanks to the digital and automated management of preheating, thereby reducing our environmental impact.
To achieve this goal, we have initiated a project aimed at enhancing the efficiency of preheating energy systems by utilizing heat pumps and electricity derived from renewable sources.
Digital development-IoT
Biomethane distribution within our networks is already operational.
Biomethane is a carbon-neutral, renewable energy source that can aid in achieving the European Union’s 2050 energy transition goals. The technology enabling the production of this green gas is well-developed and accessible.
Biomethane is already present and distributed through our network. In fact, we have already connected 6 biomethane production plants that meet the annual energy needs of more than 23,000 families.
It is obtained from anaerobic digestion of agricultural and agro-industrial by-products, as well as from organic waste. This creates a realmodel of a circular economy by integrating the agri-food sector and environmental services with the energy chain.
We are aware that currently, the potential for inject mixtures of methane and hydrogen into the network in increasing proportions is still in the experimental phase. The sector’s advancement requires the implementation of pilot projects involving multiple stakeholders such as electricity producers, gas distributors, transporters, and technological partners.
In parallel with the finalisation of a regulatory framework, we are actively participating in field trials.
In this regard, our Company, within the framework of the Resolution 404/2022/R/gas in 2023, received approval for a specific experimental project to inject methane/hydrogen mixtures in increasing percentages in a portion of our distribution networks.