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Price-Sensitive Press Releases
Price-Sensitive Press Releases

1 Jun, 2021


By order No 28622 published in the Bulletin of 19 April 2021, closing procedure No C12360, the Italian Antitrust Authority authorised the concentration process consisting of the acquisition of sole control of Infrastrutture Distribuzione Gas S.p.A. by 2i Rete Gas S.p.A., subject to the full and effective implementation of divestment measures pursuant to Article 6(2) of Italian Law 287/1990.

In compliance with this order, 2i Rete Gas S.p.a.


a procedure for the sale of its entire shareholding in a newly established company to which the business unit involved in the distribution of methane gas in the municipalities of Anzio and Nettuno, which are part of the Rome 4 ATEM (Minimum Geographical Area) ‐ Litorale Sud and Castelli Romani and equate to 29.194 Points of Delivery, will be transferred.

The business unit will consist mainly of the licences, the methane gas distribution facilities and the personnel in charge of the facilities.

This notification constitutes an invitation to tender and not an offer to the public pursuant to Article 1336 of the Italian Civil Code.

The full rules governing the sale procedure are contained in the notice entitled:

‐      “Announcement for the sale of the natural gas distribution activities within the Rome 4 ATEM” which can be viewed at the following address:

The main stages of the procedure are:

‐ Submission, by 16 June 2021 at the latest, of non‐binding expressions of interest, including the declaration of compliance with the conditions for participation;

‐ access, between 17 June and 16 July 2021, to a Virtual Data Room containing the documentation relating to the business unit to be transferred to the company being formed; during this period, an inspection of the plants may be requested;

‐    submission, by 16 July 2021, of a binding offer;

‐ sending to the Antitrust Authority, within the following 5 days, of the binding offers received, for the assessment, within the next 15 days, of the suitability of the potential buyers.

‐ Conclusion, within the following 75 days, of the preliminary contract for the sale of all the shares in the company being formed.

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